#TopTenToysof2019 by Edward Low

One of the "Chief Toy-Poisoners" on the MY Toy Hoard Facebook group, Edward Low returns to our TOP TEN TOYS LIST for the third year running (2018 / 2017) with sharing his TOP TEN TOYS OF 2019! ONWARDS!

#10. White Koi Samego by NebbyArt (Pix on Instagram)
EDWARD-SAYS: When first saw it on their page, I thought it is a one-off private commissioned piece as no sale info being announced. That is until months later when Ben announce that they have updated their webstore. I know I got to have it! (got a mini White Koi Samego at SGCC2019 to match with it too!) 

#9. TriDino Set (Culture Cartel exclusive) - Ziqi x Unbox
EDWARD-SAYS: I always say, black & gold can never go wrong. Missed out the Flabslab exclusive Ice Cream Dino in 2018. I like Triceratops the most among all dinosaurs. (Probably because I like Blue Ranger when I was a kid) So I didnā€™t let it slip away again this time at Culture Cartel 2019! 

#8. BallballBruce by 78Jo
EDWARD-SAYS: I admire Bruce Lee but I donā€™t go after every toy in the famous yellow jumpsuit colourway. But the magnetic nunchucks caught my attention for this piece. Iā€™ve been following Sunnyā€™s work for quite some times since the very first Ballballfish & constantly sharing his works at MY Toy Hoard fb group page. To my surprise, he gave this BallballBruce to me as a token of appreciation. Life is great!

TOYSREVIL: Can you share with us, who you are and what you do?

EDWARD LOW: I am Edward Low aka @drawdelow & also admin of MY Toy Hoard. I'm working in a hotel as concierge but toys are my escape from handling nasty guests on daily basis!

TOYSREVIL: How long have you been buying (collectible) toys?

EDWARD LOW: Iā€™ve started buying about 4 years ago. First piece was Huck Gee Soul Collector shadow version at STGCC 2016. Then down the rabbit hole ever since. 

TOYSREVIL: Where do you normally purchase your toys? Online? Offline from Stores? Events? Which do you prefer? And why?

EDWARD LOW: In Singapore, Ozzo Collection is the place to go. Usually online releases from artistā€™s webstore. Attending conventions is a better way as able to interact with artist. I prefer that way & that's why I wouldnā€™t go after those highly sought after cause I hate wasting my time in queue. 

#7. äøƒé ­ (7 Head) - Johnee Lau aka Galaman
EDWARD-SAYS: I love puns & like a good laugh looking at a toy. 7 Head means stupid people in Cantonese. Johnee is super good with his Cantonese puns & his creations are top notch funny if you understand it. First saw this at TTE2019 but didnā€™t pull the trigger. Given 2nd chance when friend got it for me at TTF2919. 

#6. Earl by Kangblabla (Pix on Instagram)
EDWARD-SAYS: Earl is Gold Fish that canā€™t even remember his name. Hence, it is written on him. I like derpy looking stuff & Kangblabla managed to catch my attention once again with this creation! 

#5. Mr. Giraffe (Pix on Instagram)
EDWARD-SAYS: This emo looking giraffe is just too good not to be missed. Got this from signing up to their membership. Supposed will have priority to own the future releases but I only have this until now. 

TOYSREVIL: Do you have ā€œtoy-grailsā€? And did you manage to score a ā€œtoy-grailā€ this year (2019)?

EDWARD LOW: Probably the ultimate toy-grail is T9G Rangeas, not sure why but always wanting to own 1. But probably now is too hard for me. Rangeas Jr will do if no choice. 2019, I got my Linkin Park toygrail though!

TOYSREVIL: Any particular focus or toy-aims this year (2020)? Starting any new line?

EDWARD LOW: More Bruce Lee colorway & derpy looking toys maybe. Hahahha

TOYSREVIL: Do you belong to any particular or dedicated toy-groups (online or offline)? Do you have ā€œtoy-buying buddiesā€?

EDWARD LOW: As admin of MY Toy Hoard, been trying to ā€œpoisonā€ more people back in Malaysia! Mainly online, thus started our own Youtube channel & Instagram account late last year to further ā€œpoisonā€ others. I got a few buddies in the group where we will do our best to ā€œpoisonā€ each other. It is a ā€œhealthyā€ way of living though.

TOYSREVIL: ā€œToy Buying these days is a solitary affairā€ = Do you agree with this? How do you feel about this?

EDWARD LOW: Not exactly, that is why we started a Facebook group to connect more collectors & artists in Malaysia. In return, we got to know more collectors & artists from other countries. Glad to meet some of them in person!

#4. One-Off HK Delivery Boy by Jnjf Design (Pix on Instagram)
EDWARD-SAYS: Being a fan of Stephen Chow since young, just got to have this! 

#3. Linkin Park Bearbrick (Pix on Instagram)
EDWARD-SAYS: Sometimes back when Andy told me there is a Linkin Park Bearbrick being sold at STGCC years ago. I knew I have to look for it & about 1 year plus later, finally found one that is still in sealed packaging. 

#2. WWRp BRAMBLE MK2 GATLING Linkin Park EXCLUSIVE (Pix on Instagram)
EDWARD-SAYS: After getting the Bearbrick, friends are telling me as Linkin Parkā€™s fan, I have to get this as well. After few months of searching, managed to get this from reseller at a very reasonable price. Probably this is my Linkin Park toy grail!

#1. Yopyop
EDWARD-SAYS: 2019 is Year of Pig & decided to make a toy to bring around for photoshoot like others. Thought I will not be able to get them ready before year end cause of procrastination. But force myself to get them done for December release & here we are! Probably my proudest moment in 2019. 

TOYSREVIL: Where can people go to see your collection?

instagram.com/edwardlow25 (toys collection & daily life).
instagram.com/drawdelow (for random doodles & self made stuff that I call toys).
Youtube: MY Toy Hoard
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