#TOYSREVILTop9for2021 (for 1200+ to 1600+ LIKES on Instagram)
WHAT-IS: After failing constantly on dedicated "Top/Best 9" apps, I had decided instead to manually look thru each+every image upload on my Instagram (for the year of 2021), and eyeballed the stats, screen-grabbed them, and formatted them into 9-grids ... and THESE ARE THE RESULTS, cheers.
I took a short break during the New Year, and am now continuing featuring this list (on weekends). In this blog-feature today for #TOYSREVILTop9for2021, I will be counting down images featuring 1200+ to 1600+ LIKES on Instagram!
Introducing the LAVA Edition of PUCK LITTLE PAINTER from @chris_dokebi, produced in vinyl by @strangecattoys, off which there have been A TOY-SHELF LINED WITH COLORWAYS released in 2021 thus far...! Find out more about THIS EDITION on TOYSREVIL ~ which quite frankly is one of my fav for this 5-inch tall vinyl figure, which I hope to one day add to my own collections too :)
Introducing "SPONGEBOY TRASHPANTS from fellow Singapore-based Dale Lam @lamwenjie (of QuitQuitting) for June 1st Launch on Kickstarter, which was unfortunately not successful ...
20 Shades of Grey Balls "DADBALLS" from Indonesia-based creator ABIEBI dropped for a April-release (Find out MORE HERE on TOYSREVIL), while you can CLICK HERE TO VIEW COVERAGE of the Indonesia-creator's appropriation of "The Simpsons" into resin and vinyl collectibles (including "BartBalls" seen here next to "Dadballs"), and stay connected to his Instagram @hello_abiebi for updates...!
Introducing the BUCK EXPLORER from Singapore-based Daniel Yu X The Philippines-based Creon Chkn Head, with this released in mid-June 2021, and SOLD OUT before anyone could blink!
Hand-sculpted by Daniel, CHKNHEAD sits on his Luna Creep body affixed via magnets. Find out more about this release HERE on TOYSREVIL, and stay connected to their Instas + for more in "2022"!
Introducing a pop culture pairing you might not have ever expected, with ZIGGY & LEIA hand-casted resin & painted figure collectibles from @mahalocabin unleashed in August and Sold Out in a ZAP!
Check out MORRE IMAGES on TOYSREVIL, and as well continued coverage of UK-based "Cracked Hatchet / WheresChappel" on TOYSREVIL! Yeah,m I never could figure out and keep up top date with his nick changes... :p
""Roads"? Where we are going, we don't need roads ... WE NEED DISPLAY SHELVES!"
12th PARK Presents: DUCK TO THE FUTURE from @buckchan97 + @seman10cm launched for pre-orders in February 2021 (for a end-May 2021 ship). Check out MORE IMAGES HERE on TOYSREVIL, and as well check out MORE "Banaduck"-coverage HERE on TOYSREVIL (Including Star Wars X-Wing and Batmobile/BATDUCK builds)... and also stay connected to Instagram @banaduck_01 for MORE of the BANANA X DUCK character creation...!
Meahwile, here's a bonus video for you...
Introducing "The Mondrialorian" by Spain-based toymakers/studio SixFootTurkeyToys! Released for DesignerCon 2021 in November (only 20pcs), with this piece inspire by "The Mandalorian" and the art movement FTW!
You'd do well to stay connected to their Insta @sixfootturkeytoys, and as well check out All SixFootTurkeyToys on TOYSREVIL!
Introducing "Caiman & Nikaidou" from anime Dorohedoro replicated in 1/12th scaled from Japanese toy brand Sentinel (IG @sentinelcoltd), launched for pre-orders in July 2021, with a targeted "January 2022" release for this pair!
View MORE HERE on TOYSREVIL of this articulated 18cm tall CAIMAN and the non-articulated 14cm tall NIKAIDOU...!
FYI: "Shin & Noi" from the same anime was released for preorders in July (seen in images below), which I'd missed blogging about...!
The "Eternal Empire Versions of HELLBOY from @pia_sylphid, along with his ULTRAMAN, are personally visual highlights of my 2021 - not just on this list, but for my tender eyes LOL ... Alas these were made for the creator's 3rd slo exhibition in South Korea (View MORE HERE on TOYSREVIL), and are not "mass produced"...!