Winston Leong's Top Toys of 2024

Winston Leong = Designer, Toy collector from Sunny Singapore ( "Having been collecting toys for years, the mentality has changed a bit to be more chill about not being able to get toys you love. With all the raffles and draws around, you kinda just leave it all to luck and if you lose, at least it's a win for the pocket! My top toys list in no order of preference..."

WINSTON'S TOP TOY OF 2024: Gary Baseman / Fib Dunce
One of my grails. Would love to be able to collect the entire set but considering how rare it is in the market (either that or it may be way too expensive for me to wanna get it) I'm really happy I even managed to snag one. Really playable and photogenic, a must have for toy collectors who started out in the 90s!

WINSTON'S TOP TOY OF 2024: Katsushika Hokusai Diorama (Prize A)
I don't know to consider if this is a toy but it sure damn looks soooooo good! The details and all!

WINSTON'S TOP TOY OF 2024: Kaiju One X Dehara Yukinori / Mazinger
Love that they got Dehara to sculpt Mazinger and gave it his own hand-made feel to this sofubi. The Uncle operator sitting atop is too funny!

WINSTON'S TOP TOY OF 2024: Dehara x Tezuka Productions / Astro Boy
Another must have, the OG colourway and the extra uncle head you could change!

WINSTON'S TOP TOY OF 2024: Restore / Debris Japan
Another one of my grails... Sadly I could not get my hands on one of the coloured versions (I am still looking!) so this will do for now!

WINSTON'S TOP TOY OF 2024: One Little Planet X Robin Ceramic Studio X Tos Suntos / Copiapoa Cinerea Tos Suntos
The combo felt like it was a total match and yet the separate styles stand on their own. Love the texturing on the figure making it less like a vinyl toy and more like a sculpted art piece!

WINSTON'S TOP TOY OF 2024: World's Man X Code Corner / ę±ŗꈰTHE MAN
Already owning a few previous iterations of the man, this one was really special in that there was the incorporation of 3 thumb toys of Japanese icons that could be removed.

WINSTON'S TOP TOY OF 2024: Tororoen / My Little Bunny
Kinda NSFW but yet so intriguing! It's funny how when the Japanese do it, it always seems to make sense!

WINSTON'S TOP TOY OF 2024: Grapebrain / Inari
Totally hits the right spot, I love anything that has eyes as the main focus and this one is no exception! It's quirky, friendly and yet has something a lil' disturbing about it!

WINSTON'S TOP TOY OF 2024: Custom Repainted Makoto Chan Eraser Figure
I love all things Makoto Chan and when I saw this, i knew i had to get it to add to the collection (the super small size really scares me though.... I hope I don't lose it)

Winston Leong's TOP TEN TOYS OF 2022
Winston Leong's #TopTenToysof2021
Winston Leong's TOP TEN TOYS OF 2020
#TopTenToysof2019 by Winston Leong
Winston Leong's #TopTenToysof2018
Winston Leong's #TopTenToysOf2017 On TOYSREVIL
Winston Leongā€™s TOP TEN TOYS 2016
Winston Leong's #TopTenToys2015
Winston Leong's Top Ten Toys For 2014
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